Finally with all of us the 10th guest. Midas, the pvp cat and Dread Lord of the Old Britain!
A: My hate about Shroud of the Avatar never born, it was eternal, like the universe or the red pointer light. Too many reasons to avoid that loser's game. First of all is not Ultima Online, and not to be Ultima Online is bad.
Second, that game doesn't have free pvp and loot. Lmao miaaaau! Noobs, don't make me waste my time in pussycats craps. And I have much more to say: It's a WoW clone, even they use the same game system (3D), and I hate that cloth map... Selective Multiplayer, WTF? I just need to select your head.
Q: Oh, so you know a little bit about SotA! I believed that you never took a look to this project. Anyway you must know that the map recently changed to a model in 3D.
A: Don't bro me, lawyer. You are always writing in that sh*tty fansite where you upload some of my photos. That is the best about SotA, my face in your site. And about the map... Well, I don't care. I'm not going to check it, I detest it anyway.
A: Don't bro me, lawyer. You are always writing in that sh*tty fansite where you upload some of my photos. That is the best about SotA, my face in your site. And about the map... Well, I don't care. I'm not going to check it, I detest it anyway.
My bible, human, your death. |
Q: You are a true pvp Dread Lord. Tell us something about your personal experience as a killer machine.
A: I hunt balls of wool since I was three months old (like you now), and now with nine years old I already tried to kill mostly everything. Humans beings, Disney dolls, invisible forces, every kind of boxes that you can imagine, that piece of a board game that you lost, my own shadow...
A: I hunt balls of wool since I was three months old (like you now), and now with nine years old I already tried to kill mostly everything. Humans beings, Disney dolls, invisible forces, every kind of boxes that you can imagine, that piece of a board game that you lost, my own shadow...
Q: You speak a lot about hardcore pvp style, but that is far away from the actual UO...
A: I now play in a private server of Second Age, where Trammel, Age of Shadows and all that EA rubbish is forbidden. There we have free pvp and loot and all the good things of the world. You can plunder the houses of the weak players and destroy all their sofas and furniture with your own paws.
And we have permadeath. And you can only attack and use skills in text-only mode. And we don't have magical weapons or any other scams for ladies, we must create our own blades and maces using only our bare claws in the stone.
A: I now play in a private server of Second Age, where Trammel, Age of Shadows and all that EA rubbish is forbidden. There we have free pvp and loot and all the good things of the world. You can plunder the houses of the weak players and destroy all their sofas and furniture with your own paws.
And we have permadeath. And you can only attack and use skills in text-only mode. And we don't have magical weapons or any other scams for ladies, we must create our own blades and maces using only our bare claws in the stone.
Midas doesn't care about your opinion, only about your valuable equipment. |
Q: Can you say something positive of the sh*tty purple fansite?
A: Yes, that I never read it. And the photos of Midas, that is good.
A: Yes, that I never read it. And the photos of Midas, that is good.
Q: And the last one. If you were a crazy animal, which animal will you be?
A: The craziest animal that I know is the homo sapiens, so I will be one. But not a looser like a guy that need secure zones to play a game with his mom. I could be a cool man like Bruce Campbell or The Undertaker. One with good pvp skills.
A: The craziest animal that I know is the homo sapiens, so I will be one. But not a looser like a guy that need secure zones to play a game with his mom. I could be a cool man like Bruce Campbell or The Undertaker. One with good pvp skills.
And that's all, folks! Thank you Midas to share your time with this community. I hope you will try one day Shroud of the Avatar anyway... -Shut up and prepare my food.-
* This article was adapted for this website, since Midas use too many "z", "r" and "*" in the middle of anywhere *
I <3 purple llamas, but Midas is my hero :P
I admit that Midas is good (or devilish, depending on how you see it).