
Saturday, August 2, 2014

3D Art Llama awards

Finally is the day! Let's take a look to the 3D Art Llama contest submissions and hail the winner!

Net was the first artist to send a photo to the contest. Here his glorious labyrinth of the R8.

And that's all, no more submissions. Now we are going to proceed with the raffle. I chose that system because the art is very subjective and I also wanted a system where everyone could be the winner of the amazing prize (a little black kitty).

The procedure of the raffle could not be different: Midas, the pvp cat, will choose a name between all the members of the contest. I cannot wait to check who is the winner!

Congrats, Net! Your work (and your mates help) has been superb. Sadly, even being awesome, this submission was the only one. I was sure to close the site if I didn't have even a single submission to the contest, but I had that great one few days ago.

I have to think a little bit about this place. It's funny to work on it, but it take a lot of time and effort. The echo and the interaction with the community is close to zero. I had many good words about my brainless, but I honestly think that this is a lair funny to enter and follow a little the first time, but after is not really interesting anymore.

I tried to make this contest more interesting than the previous one, being more flexible and adding even a super prize, but I failed like a llama. Anyway this art submission and the very touching words (yes, even if I don't have a heart) of Riya in her interview will make me to meditate about all this a little more.


Until then... Welcome to the jungle!

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