
Friday, June 6, 2014

Epic Update, baby llamas and much more

Today we had one of the biggest info updates in long time. We already can read one zillion of posts about this, so I wish just to make a little resume of the most important for a random purple animal.

About pledges and rewards

Portalarium finally published information about the pledge levels. They finally added two new pledge levels after Knight, trying to equilibrate the voids in the statistics and move them to our pockets. A new small house type in the Patron level will try fill with gold coins the central abyss.

And there is a ton of new rewards for everyone. The most polemic are the new character slots, but we don't have still enough info to evaluate well the real impact in the game. 

My personal favorite is the magical orb of "chatting with the devs". I would love to write a lot of "knock, knock" jokes to torment souls there.

Professional interpretation of the pledges data.

About houses and housing

Here is the big surprise. They added a new small house type called the "row house", without yard but very cheap. This will help to democratize the living space and also to make the levels between Patron and Developer more desirables. Could be a good option if you only need space for two legs in you floor.

Also they added players towns. I think this can be fascinating for the world customization, the social play and the roleplay, but I hope they could not ban players to enter in an hex. We llamas are free and everything is our bathroom. Don't bro me, owner!

Artistic interpretation of the new "row houses".

About new Stretch Goals and "shut up and give me all your money"

The last big bang is the new store, with new Stretch Goals incorporated. Now the way to support a specific goal is to open your wallet, or to beg in the streets like me. If Portalarium sell enough items in one category then the designers will level up that aspect of the game system.

They added some interesting goals like boats, basic mounts, the controversial elf playable race, more housing options and the best of all: pack animals. The goal is just 100k dollars and it has... a baby llama! They cost 20 bucks, but you are paying a nightmare coming true.

Now we only should wait until the born of the correct llama to admire the purple shadows approaching lethally over New Britain. Support the pack animals, your back is no longer young to carry iron!

Your sweet and fatal  "end of the world" for only 20$. Carnage guaranteed!

We have much more like money bonus, something about a birthday, Ardoris city of pagodas, the Knight house mega-evolution, a rain of crating tables and a headphones pic. But I'm too lazy to continue.

At least I feel proud because they put some of the ideas that I shared with them about the new peldge levels, like the new "Marshal" title name and the 5-story basement in the "Lord Marshal" level. 

Now I don't want just to jump into the stunning Lord level but also to the Marshal XXL version. I feel the obligation, but for now I feel even more obligated to eat. I will dream free as a vortex while I sleep under my bridge of homeless animal. I will destroy the galaxy again anyway.