
Monday, February 29, 2016

The Gallery oh Horrors wants you!

Today I have something to ask you. I wanted to create an amazing poster, then I became sleepy and lazy, as usual, and I just did monstrosity, but in purple:

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Beautifulness stravaganzza!!!

Today I will post some amazing pics of one of the multiple (of zero) fans of my chronicles, Sindariya, the maze lady. And this comes with stunning news... some purple llamas appeared the last night in the Shooter Jennings event, by the hand of the devs!

Note: They are real screenshots! The llamas are not with color filters or edition this time. If you have more images of those graceful and charming creatures you can send me any for this site, if you wish.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Rares, who said rares?

Ultima Online was the first MMO of the history, a game that introduced a ton of rares items, digital goodies with a real price in the "real" world. Being the new creation of Richard Garriott, we already knew that Shroud of the Avatar could have a good portion of these valuables.

In the Release 10 Portalarium introduced the Grand Tours, a special quest to run around Novia and get a time-limited hat that could be obtained only in that particular release ("did someone say rares?"). The Release 26 will be the last one with a "virtue" hat, but we already have here a market for the collectors.

By now these rares could be split in three big groups:

The epitaph of the hats

This release will be the last one with a Grand Tour (Hat) Quest. I think that everyone that finished all the quests (or just everyone, who cares) deserve a last mighty hat, a final present to reward all that effort looking for the Waldo-robots (thanks for the help, Envyco & co!).

Come on, I remember that I even had go to an internet cafe full of homeless humans, at late night, in Taiwan, with a typhoon, to get the icecream chaperon (thanks, Net & co!), when I was crossing the homeland of the avatars. True story!

Luckily I have a suggestion to do, the perfect hat of the hats: