The Last Supper (L'Ultima Cena) is a late 15th-century mural painting by Leonardo da Vinci and It is one of the world's most famous paintings, and one of the most studied, scrutinized, and satirized. It has also been the target of much speculation by writers and historical revisionists alike, usually centered on purported hidden messages or hints found within the painting
The painting represents the scene of The Last Supper of Jesus with his disciples, as it is told in the Gospel of John, 13:21. Leonardo has depicted the consternation that occurred among the Twelve Disciples when Jesus announced that one of them would betray him. Judas is clutching a small bag.
Due to the methods used, and a variety of environmental factors, as well as intentional damage, very little of the original painting remains today, despite numerous restoration attempts, the last being completed in 1999. This restoration took 21 years. (Click to enlarge)
Due to the methods used, and a variety of environmental factors, as well as intentional damage, very little of the original painting remains today, despite numerous restoration attempts, the last being completed in 1999. This restoration took 21 years. (Click to enlarge)
Highly improved Vortex Shroud of the Avatar version