
Sunday, September 28, 2014

Happy R10 and sad purple llama

I hope you all are enjoying well the R10. That is a nice event, I hate you. The not "that nice event" for me is not only that I still have no internet in my new lair but also that my laptop is... broken. Yes, mortally dead, rest in peace, totally powned.

That is the main reason why I'm disconnected from the virtual world. And also sadly I cannot prepare another massive "wardrobe or whatever building" for this release. A real pitty since I joined lately the Soleidad, Net and Riya group of architects called "4B" (or some kind of credit card, I'm not sure).

However I will try to find a place today where I could play a little bit to Shroud of the Avata to taste this new release, so you will not be that lucky to totally avoid my presence. But yes, my sadness is big.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Through the moongate

These last two days I have been around here, but lately I'm in a very busy moment, and today will be the zenith of my "business".

Please be a "Las Vegas" gate, be a "Las Vegas" gate!

My Disastrous Adventures 5: The Fallen Son (II)

Thursday, September 11, 2014

The fright has four legs

I just want to remember to the world that this masterpiece exists:

If you don't know about this jewel, and as you can see in the trailer in Imdb, it's a zombie-sheep movie with gore elements. A perfect drama to watch in the next Halloween, or when you're bored  in your insipid human life. Because hominid zombies are so last year...

Ah! For any reason what made me remind about "Back Sheep" was this notorious picture of Ultima Online:

My Disastrous Adventures 4: The Fallen Son (I)

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

New terrifying monster has arrived!

One of the leitmotifs of this site is "the humor is the language that intelligent people employ to communicate with their equals". And that's sounds pretty smart and cool!

To teach you about that I prepared this "hard to do" and very elegant sample of high-level comedy:

Oh, yes! This is a deep and awesome lesson about not to follow just the appearances... and toilets!